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10 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Website

Harness the power of the internet and impact your success with a website. Is your company underperforming compared to competitors? It may be that you have no website or one that performs poorly. 


Grow your Business With Unlimited Access Online

A website will increase the visibility of your company round the clock.  When you are not at work, your website is working for you, driving traffic to the site and generating more revenue. Your customers have no barriers to access, like time zones, geographical distance, or hours open. Your customers have unlimited access. 

Investing in a website will help you reach new markets and grow your business. 

A Website Is the Best Value Marketing Plan 

 Your website is a powerful marketing tool. A website is an advertisement for the world. It can help you reach people in your geographic area or beyond. When people visit, it's like bringing them into your physical location, so you want them to enjoy a comfortable experience.

A website will showcase your company using creative multimedia designed to be user-friendly for new and existing customers. 

Websites meet modern marketing goals, such as branding, lead generation, SEO, increased customer engagement, and more. Great value and an effective marketing tool. 


Easily Accessible Information

Having all the company facts and contact information in one place is helpful for new or existing customers. The data is accessible from anywhere, simple to use, and accurate. You can add links to other information, like Google Maps, and your website is a valuable resource readily available to customers. 


A Place for Your Portfolio 

A website is perfect for displaying your work all in one place. Design, photography, or writing, showcase what you can do!


An Opportunity to Research and Compare. 

You want potential customers to spend time on your company website. Websites allow people to research companies, compare them with their competitors, and make decisions based on their findings. The more informed your customers are, the better experience they will have. 


You Can Reach New Markets.

A website is a vital tool for producing web traffic data to help you understand your customer base.


Your Customers and Competitors are Online.

Even if your business is outside of cyberspace, customers surf the internet to learn more about a company when making purchasing decisions. Lose that online presence, and you may lose clients to competitors.

Stand Out From Your Competition.

You need a website to differentiate yourself. A well-designed, informative site will set you apart and establish credibility with potential customers.


You Have Branding Control.

You want to be sure you have somewhere to present your brand, showcasing how innovative you are.


A Website is a Valuable Asset For Your Company.

A website is the foundation of a company's online presence, tracking progress along the way proving your company's value and worth with ongoing data. The website stays with the company and becomes a valuable asset.



A website is a resource for new and existing customers. It's accessible and reliable and makes life easier by solving problems. But, a website must perform well and needs attention to ensure it does perform well. 

Websites can have many purposes, but must always provide a clear message by answering these questions: 

  1. Who are you? 
  2. What does your company do?
  3. How do products or services make life easier?
  4. Where can the customer get products or services?


If you are unsure how to get started, you're not the only one. It's a common problem for a busy company. The right design team will bring your ideas to life and get the process rolling!


If you have an existing site that you suspect is not performing well, we can help!

My Portal Marketing offers free audits to analyze your current marketing results compared to the competition. When the data shows you what is happening, you can remedy the situation.


If your company does not have a website, give us a call, we can help! 

My portal marketing offers custom website design with high response levels across all devices and media. We turn your vision into reality!

Next Steps to Marketing Improvement

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Inspire the world with your branding! Develop your purpose, unique value proposition and start attracting high-value clients!

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