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7 Tips to Create a User Friendly Website

A user-friendly website is an effective digital marketing strategy and the hub of growth and new business for any industry.


The following seven tips will help you create a website that your customers find relevant, resourceful, and easy to navigate. A site they want to return to again and again!

Tip #01
: Don't overcrowd your website

A professional site is most effective with small, well-organized pages quickly found with search engines. If the user can't understand how you will help them in 3 seconds or less, they will leave. Learn more about branding and clarity here.

Tip #02:
Make sure your navigation bar has clear text links.

Navigation elements with fancy new design tricks may be tempting to try; but messing with the tried and true menu bar can be disastrous. Your navigation bar should be simple and easy to use. 

Tip #03:
Include large fonts: A great way to make all content accessible is the use of a large font. Be sure that people with impaired vision can access all the content on your site. 

Use large fonts in headings and subheadings to highlight information. Remember, people scan the internet and don't read every detail, so get the essential information upfront in a larger font.

Tip #04
:Utilize Sub-navigation: Help people intuitively navigate your site when they are looking for different types of content. 

You can even provide conversion points by adding elements like pricing or contact information at the bottom level so that users will see it without searching.

Footers are excellent for sub-navigation. Use a footer to provide pertinent information, so when "scrollers" get to the bottom of the page, they have options.

Tip #05:
Optimize Your Page Load Time

You want your pages delivered quickly and efficiently, so people will stick around long enough to convert into customers. 

Slow websites are detractors to your goals of conversion. 37% of visitors bounce when your site takes five seconds to load. 

Google has recently changed its algorithm to consider speed; it's called "page experience," and it is essential.

Tip #06: Optimize Your Site for Mobile: It's not enough to have one site; you need a mobile-friendly version too. The reality is that the number of people browsing on their phones continues to grow by leaps and bounds each year, and so will your traffic if you adapt with them!

Desktop versions have dominated in the past. But we have seen a shift to mobile traffic. If your website does not have a great user experience on mobile devices, you may lose business.

COVID-19 has impacted people juggling work and family responsibilities; multitasking with mobile technology allows them to be on the go. 

Tip #07:
Optimize Your Site for Google: Google already has the site's source code, so why not give them a little extra help by adding meta tags that will highlight your most important content? This way, Google can deliver what you want to searchers faster and more efficiently!

In conclusion,
  Implementing these 7 tips for a user-friendly website will create an effective digital marketing strategy to grow your business. 

Maintain the user's focus in only one direction at a time

Use clean and simple navigation 

Make it easy for users to find what they want without getting distracted by other content on the page

We look forward to working with you and creating the perfect digital marketing strategy for your business. 

Contact us now for more information about how we can help you grow your business with a user-friendly website.

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