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Top 10 Web Design Trends For 2021

It's 2021, and the world is a very different place. Web design trends are changing to reflect this new reality - That's why we're looking at the top 10 web design trends for 2021!

1) Retro fonts: With so many websites using flat designs now, designers will be looking to take us back to the past with retro fonts like Bodoni and Didot

2) Parallax Scroll Animations: Scrolling on your website is one of the most engaging things you can do, and with parallax scroll animations, designers can create a sense of depth for users.

Aside scroll layout is an attractive and practical choice, especially for portfolio websites, catalogues, maps, and similar. Discovering projects, exploring cities, and visiting online galleries is far more engaging with sideways navigation. The layout will also dictate how the user navigates through your website. If you want to create a sense of depth for users, consider using a side scroll layout with long scrolling pages, which is an attractive and practical choice.

4) Asymmetric layouts: When it comes to website design, designers often default to symmetry. Symmetry can help a site feel stable and make sure the contents match, but the design world has never been shy about asymmetrical layouts.

Minimalist or maximalist extremes: 2021 will see a web full of extremes. Minimalism and maximalism have both had their time in the individual spotlight, but it looks like they'll be sharing the stage this year.

Space-saving navigation: Navigational menus and other buttons are taking up a lot of valuable space. In response, designers have begun pushing these features to the side or even below the fold—closer to where users will be able to find them with their mouse cursors without scrolling too much.

7) Videos as design elements: Video content on a website. A video provides information or promotional material. Videos are almost ubiquitous in contemporary web design. If you have videos that should go on your site, they're a great way to engage potential viewers and convey your message quickly.

Layout Organization: The age of grids is coming to a close, with designers either returning to more organic layouts or introducing new ways of organizing their content, such as split screens and sliders.

Clean, sleek design: Striving for minimalism and simplicity has been common. Minimalist web design entails stripping away excess design elements. When these principles are applied correctly to your site's aesthetics, they can make a stunning impression on visitors while remaining accessible for everyone to use.

Vector art: Individualized graphics can be a great way to embellish your website. Including graphic images shouldn't mean sacrificing quality and loading time, but that is often reality in web design. Vector art presents a practical solution for this. The SVG format of the files allows users to scale the visuals according to their needs while maintaining the quality of the original graphic.

In Conclusion

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